This week we have a story of a budding doctor who managed to collect Rs 75,000 for the PM CARES Fund, which was announced by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, for fighting COVID-19. She managed to do so by selling her artwork.
Gunjan Gupta is studying Dentistry in Hong Kong. She is a passionate painter as well. Stuck at home because of lockdown, over the last two months she had ample time to pursue her passion and created an Art Collection – “Silver Linings”, comprising 25 paintings.
Gunjan says, “I came across a lot of news about the challenges being faced by Corona Warriors and the suffering of migrant workers. I wanted to contribute meaningfully to help them and during a discussion with my family, we developed an idea to sell my Art Collection and to contribute the subsequent funds generated to The PM CARES Fund”. Hence, I immediately designed a dedicated website and approached my friends and family members. Everyone was so encouraging and appreciated the initiative. Within a short time, all my paintings were sold, and we managed to collect Rs. 75,000. I am extremely thankful to everyone and pray to God that our country comes out of this huge crisis soon.”
Gunjan is back to Hong Kong to resume her studies, happy and content and with a similar plan to raise funds in Hong Kong as well.
Gunjan can be reached out at and her website
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