‘Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today’ – this is certainly my mantra these days with an affirmative ray of hope about light at the end of the tunnel!
People are jogging. Children are no more vulnerable. Poised to get back on the track, excuse me if choosing my clothes may take extra time today. While the monster Corona has waved a final goodbye, today I decided to pick up a bright red lipstick and my favourite pair of heels to celebrate the day!
The hustle-bustle of Tricity which ideally, maybe a little tricky to handle, this one would certainly give a revitalized smile. My thoughts may double, yours as well?
On the way to work, if you sense your car or your motorbike is also thrilled for that long drive with you, congratulations, your soul is rejuvenated! Wouldn’t it bring back the joy of your ‘first day at work’ too? Extra precautionary everywhere, people may seem to be a little different and yet the good old times will roll.
Those at home will ditch the TV sets to catch up for that coffee with friends. Lovers will meet, families will reunite. Hobbies have paid off; new talents have chalked their way. Streets are engulfed, the good times will be back or be left behind?
Lunch break at work will make me ponder if I completed my quarantine checklist. The memes would change, the breaking news may diverge, there will be people now talking about the other side of the lockdown or how they turned into an unanticipated chef this season. A missing infusion in you. The deep inside you, misses being home. You’ve changed. You’ve stayed strong. The time has been long. We’ve prayed. We’ve waited and that wait just didn’t easily culminate. It is hard. But YOU made it. I made it. WE made it through. Because – hope lives. Oh, it’s just a dream, but do not forget, hope lives; I repeat.
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