Yog Uninterrupted is a delightful compilation based on the YogSutras of Rishi Patanjali as realised by the author Jyoti Subramanian. Jyoti has been sharing the practice of yog in Chandigarh since 1999 specialising in the very niche and evolutionary practice of Kriya Yoga of Mahavatar Babaji.
She was introduced to yog sadhana at age 8 and it permeates every aspect of her life. She joyously shares it with others through online and personal classes. In the book she delves fearlessly and unabashedly into the tenets of the ashtanga -8 limbs of yoga.
The book is filled with many nuggets of wisdom and information for yoga aficionado’s, both advanced and basic practitioners as well as teachers. The book catalogues the various stages a sincere yoga practitioner will encounter while on their chosen path with tips to transcend them.
At the book reading on March 23 at The Golf Club, she will read out specially curated passages from the book.
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