Meet Pankaj Hirajee, a well-established lawyer from Chandigarh who settled in Canada in his pursuit of a better standard of living!
Why and when did you leave Chandigarh?
In 2005, we moved to Canada. It was a tough but a well-thought decision that was taken, looking into the better education facilities and safety concerns in India for my kids. I kept on shuttling between India and Canada to wind up my professional commitments and other personal issues. However, in 2009, I bought a house in Canada and moved here in 2010 to start life afresh. The same year my parents also moved here.
What is the best thing that you like here which is not there in Chandigarh?
I feel that it’s a better way of life here, which is pollution-free and that also increases the life span. Secondly in India, we are worried about post-retirement issues like high medical treatment costs or savings for the time when you stop working. Here it is taken care of by the government.
What is the one thing that you miss here which was there in Chandigarh and is not here?
I miss my old tried and tested friends who were always there for me in my good or bad times. There are also some types of foods or fruits that we don’t get here; especially the “langra” mango.
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