Former India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh and renowned singer and actor Harrdy Sandhu entertained fans with their swag as they drove through popular gedi (hangout) spots enroute to the launch of PUMA store in the city on this Saturday. The Punjabi stars also bowled over the crowd by facing off in a cricket match before showcasing their karaoke and dancing skills at the celebratory event.
The sports brand has expanded its offline footprint by adding yet another destination to its ever-growing network in the country. Celebrating this occasion, Yuvraj and Harrdy locked horns in an exciting two-over exhibition match. To everyone’s surprise, Harrdy, who has represented India at the U-19 level, displayed his cricketing skills as the fans also joined them during an interesting action.
With a new and improved store at Chandigarh’s Nexus Elante Mall, PUMA elevates the shopping experience of its consumers by offering select merchandise from its global collaborations and performance collection for adults as well as kids.
“It has always been our endeavor to bring the PUMA experience closer to our consumers across the country. The new store in the region will offer fitness enthusiasts, fashion consumers and athletes’ access to the top-of-the-line collection from the brand. The local boys, Yuvraj Singh and Harrdy Sandhu, made the launch even more special. We thank them for giving us this landmark celebration experience,” said Abhishek Ganguly, Managing Director, PUMA India and Southeast Asia.
Known for their style and flamboyance, the duo made a dashing entry to the store after hitting the city’s famous gedi spot Sukhna Lake in a BMW M4 Competition Coupe.
“It was fun playing along with Harrdy. The experience of driving through famous gedi spots was great. I truly enjoyed it. As a sportsman, I know how important it is to wear comfortable gear. PUMA offers a wide range of options. I have checked the collection here and it’s just amazing,” Yuvraj said.
Extending the entertaining evening, Yuvraj and Harrdy, who share a close association with PUMA, also took part in a fun karaoke session wherein Harrdy sang popular Punjabi songs. The highlight of the session was Yuvraj grooving to the music which was a treat to watch for the fans.
“I am delighted to be a part of this store launch. It was an evening to remember. PUMA has always lived up to the expectations and has been a trend-setter. I am sure this store will become a shopping destination for the people of Chandigarh,” Harrdy concluded.
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