Renowned actress Nirmal Rishi recently expressed her commitment to Healing Hospital Chandigarh’s compassionate mission, as she joined the institution as its Brand Ambassador. She enthusiastically conveyed her intention to utilize her storytelling skills to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives, aligning with Healing Hospital’s vision for a healthier and more compassionate world.
A Testament to Dedication
Nirmal Rishi also highlighted her privilege in witnessing the remarkable work carried out by Healing Hospital Chandigarh. The institution’s dedication to providing compassionate care and unwavering commitment to healthcare excellence served as a true source of inspiration for her. She expressed her pride in being a part of this remarkable institution.
A Vision of Healing with Empathy
Managing Partner of Healing Hospital, Sahibjit Singh Sandhu, shared his excitement about the partnership. He underlined Nirmal Rishi’s role as the embodiment of the hospital’s ethos, citing her commitment to social causes and warm personality. He eagerly anticipated reshaping the healthcare landscape together.
Drishmeet Singh Buttar, Co-Managing Partner of Healing Hospital Chandigarh, emphasized the institution’s goal of creating a healing environment that combines top-notch medical care with a human touch. He looked forward to Nirmal Rishi’s association in spreading their message of healing, empathy, and holistic healthcare to a wider audience.
Community-Focused Initiatives
With Nirmal Rishi’s support, Healing Hospital Chandigarh is gearing up for various community-focused initiatives. These endeavors will encompass health awareness campaigns, free medical camps, and efforts to make healthcare accessible to all strata of society. The appointment of Nirmal Rishi as Brand Ambassador symbolizes Healing Hospital Chandigarh’s unwavering commitment to excellence, compassion, and quality healthcare.
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