Is adding only a pinch of happiness to our daily life enough? Why can’t we live up to a bundle of happiness daily? Social media influencer Isha answers all these questions and shares the reason why she named her page as “A Pinch of Happiness”.
Have you ever found yourself crying and feeling down, and thinking about why life is so hard for you to deal with? Have you ever thought that are you the only one who is going through these sufferings or why your life is not as flat as someone else’s life? Why are you facing failures even after giving your best? Why is only your life becoming a roller coaster at that phase where you had to enjoy it to the best?
You are definitely not alone my dear. Life is not easy, not for all of us at least. They say sufferings are given to those who can overcome them and can learn and grow from them.
By adding a pinch of happiness to daily life, the ray of hope to smile against all the odds arises. The ray of motivation to fight against all the challenges or the situations that are coming towards your way arises. It is just because of only a pinch of happiness, that makes you realize that life is so precious, and you can’t waste it on questioning ‘Why only me’? Here I would like to share one of my favourite quote –
“Some days are as hard as stone
Some days are as soft as cotton
Some days you feel like giving up
Some days you feel like living to the fullest”.
Happiness could not only be found through external factors only. Happiness lies within you. When our external situation is going well, it is easier for us to choose happiness, but it is not the cause of it. You can be happy even when things around you are not going the way you would like them to be.
When a small problem can ruin your whole day then why a small happiness cannot make up your day. Humans tend to just focus on the bad and ignore the best. The happiness standing at your door can help you to solve those problems easily, but everyone tends to ignore it.
Many of my friends ask me ‘How do you stay positive in such a tough situation? Where did you get all these positive vibes to fight against all the challenges? How are you so strong that you even keep on smiling even in the toughest of times?’. My answer always remains the same and that is just my ‘Never give up’ attitude. No matter how hard my life is going, I always motivate myself to live my life to the fullest. And thus, going through my passion to become a soul towards motivation and exploring happiness, I started my page whereby I could spread a pinch of happiness in everyone’s life by sharing real-life lessons that I had been through.
Isha can be reached out through her Instagram page @a_pinchofhappiness.
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